A web extension that helps users navigate the Internet safely and on their own terms by empowering them to moderate content consumed online.

While platforms moderate content for general appeal, our extension gives control back to the user by allowing them to choose and develop their own content filters to better curate their own Internet experience.


Up to this point, content moderation has primarily been in the hands of social media companies and other service providers for their own products. The filters that they create are built for a general population according to standardized practices. However, individual users have different needs when it comes to the content they see online. Moreover, what is inoffensive to one may be unacceptable or triggering for another. 

That’s where we come in. In efforts to address this issue, our product lends autonomy to the user; we allow users to curate filters according to their own needs. The extension then takes those filters and identifies harmful or triggering content pertaining to those topics across all sites a user lands on. We are a holistic content moderation solution that blankets the entire Internet, providing warnings to the user and letting them decide how to proceed.


The following video demo shows ScreenBook’s current functionality. ScreenBook is currently able to identify whether a webpage contains suicidal content. If a webpage contains suicidal content, it will blur out the text on the page and allow the user an opportunity to either view the page or navigate away from the page.


This video demo shows ScreenBook’s ideal functionality using a Figma mock up. Currently, ScreenBook is only able to blur whole webpages and lacks a selection UI. This demo shows that ScreenBook would ideally blur individual posts that are identified to contain filtered content.


Inspired by concepts behind the Green Book, we decided to brand ourselves ScreenBook: Your Guide to Traveling the Internet. We aim to respect the idea of the Green Book by helping users navigate the internet safely, particularly those users who are prone to triggers. We screen potentially harmful content and provide warnings to users so they can consume content at their own discretion.



Our team aims to provide a service that allows users to navigate the enormity of the Internet safely and on their own terms.

Niharika Sitomer (she/her)
Shanie Hsieh (she/her)
Shirley Jiang (they/them)
Tessa de Vries (she/her)

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